
The Great Wealth Transfer

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the vapa Swiss independent wealth management blog posts featured on this page are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the views of any institutions or organisations I may be associated with. These posts are intended to share personal insights and perspectives and should not be interpreted as official statements or positions of any affiliated entities.

In the last few weeks, I have read some collected “The Future of Private Banking in 2023” reports. Many trends are not new but will continue to entertain us: ESG, crypto, blockchain, and, of course, cybersecurity.

The Great Wealth Transfer is on top of that and around the corner; as one would rightfully expect, that will continue for many years. In most reports, I read that Generation Z doesn’t believe in traditional investments because they want to generate higher returns or deploy the money for a specific purpose. This expressed desire should put much pressure on private banks and wealth managers in the upcoming years.

Generation Z and Wealth Management

I agree that my daughter (Generation Z) erroneously thinks there is no need to be a bank client since she popularly uses Twint and Apple Pay. I started utilizing the same services since Corona dominated the world. Nevertheless, regarding investments, my overall asset allocation looks similar to my parents’—wealth preservation.

Even though it may not be politically correct, I wonder why all those research reports keep talking vehemently about Generation Z and the overwhelming pressure on private banking. At least my daughter has positively confirmed that she wants my wife and me (Generation X) to live as long as possible. That’s how I wish for my parents (Silent Generation), too, and should the tragic day come. I will safeguard the inheritance with the same investment style I practice today.

Will the next generations be as different as the research reports for private banking and wealth managers predict? We also played with little money initially, but when it came to self-defined fortune levels, things changed in favour of human beings and genuine wealth management services.

Source: LinkedIn

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Navigating The Great Wealth Transfer: Trends and Challenges for Private Banking in 2023

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