
Behind the Wheel and the Deal: Unpacking Negotiation Tactics πŸš—πŸ’Ό

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the vapa Swiss independent wealth management blog posts featured on this page are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the views of any institutions or organisations I may be associated with. These posts are intended to share personal insights and perspectives and should not be interpreted as official statements or positions of any affiliated entities.

When I think about negotiation tactics, I often reminisce about my experiences buying a car. Whenever I make a purchase, I feel like I got the best deal. Yet deep down, I know that the “discount” I received was factored into the original price. Regardless, the “feel-good factor” prevails, and I must admit, my car dealer excels in conveying this feeling. 🌟

In wealth management, even though I have never personally negotiated with clients in this industry, I imagine similar tactics are at play. Clearly and effectively explaining a holistic wealth management approach without diminishing existing relationships creates a sense of being understood and valued by the client, like how I feel during my car purchases. πŸ’°

Addressing pricing early reminds me of setting clear boundaries, like choosing a car engine. It saves time and shows professionalism. Then there’s the familiar “feel-good factor”: offering a personal discount that requires approval from a superior. This approach emphasizes exclusivity, limited client capacity, and high-quality service, creating a unique sense of appreciation. ✨

Similar tactics and strategies exist in every industry. It is always about building trust, emphasising value, and forging long-term relationships. And when it is executed as skillfully as with my car dealer, it is no wonder I have felt like an all-time winner driving the same brand for the past 25 years. πŸ†

Source: LinkedIn

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addressing the pricing issue early on reminds me of the importance of setting clear boundaries, like car buying and choosing an engine.

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