
Has the turn of the year already taken place?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the vapa Swiss independent wealth management blog posts featured on this page are solely my own and do not necessarily represent the views of any institutions or organisations I may be associated with. These posts are intended to share personal insights and perspectives and should not be interpreted as official statements or positions of any affiliated entities.

Historically, the turn of the year was a symbolic “closing event.” People reorganised their workplaces, cleaned email directories, sharpened pencils, and started exciting new projects. Matters from the previous year were safely forgotten, completed just before uncorking the sparkling wine on New Year’s Eve. The turn of the year marked a fresh beginning.

After a challenging week in the office, I still feel stuck in 2022. Too many tasks from last year still dominate ordinary business life. Predicting that this century will bring other challenges for the financial services industry is not difficult.

It is crucial to understand that we can only overcome these challenges together. Mutual trust and the positive intention to serve the most critical component in the financial services industry—the client—are essential.

Day-to-day business must align more closely with the current date. Missing critical deadlines cannot become the modern norm and is very un-Swiss. Justifications, no matter how beautifully decorated, remain cheap excuses. We must strive to meet deadlines and adapt quickly to new challenges, ensuring that the spirit of the turn of the year, with its promise of renewal and progress, permeates our everyday operations. We can only serve our clients effectively and maintain the industry’s integrity. Again, Happy New Year!

Source: LinkedIn (SEO adjusted)

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Navigating the Turn of the Year: Challenges and Resolutions for the Financial Services Industry

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