
Shift Ahead: Opportunities to Gain Market Share πŸ”

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The Credit Suisse/UBS takeover saga reshapes the Swiss financial sector, presenting new opportunities for independent wealth managers. More significantly, well-known private banks manage the influx of private bankers from Credit Suisse. Their client onboarding processes have inevitably slowed. This slowdown opens a unique window for smaller, agile EAM/FIM desks to step in, shine, and gain market share.

πŸš€ Spotlight on Agility

These smaller EAM/FIM desks can significantly enhance their client base by offering personalised, speedy, and thorough feedbackβ€”something the more prominent players struggle to provide due to their scale and recent changes. This agility allows smaller firms to capitalise on the current market flux, presenting a compelling alternative for clients seeking dedicated attention and swift service. These smaller desks can build stronger, more personal relationships by focusing on each client’s needs.

πŸ€” But there’s a catch

Convincing wealthy clients to trust smaller, lesser-known custodian banks remains a challenge. The brand strength and historical trust associated with large institutions can be a significant draw, making them seem safer or more prestigious. Overcoming this perception requires strategic thinking and effective communication of the unique benefits smaller firms offer.

πŸ’Ό Strategic Thinking for EAMs

Strategic thinking is vital for Swiss independent wealth managers at smaller desks. Now is the time to emphasise your unique value propositionsβ€”personalisation, speed, and attention to client needs. Reassure clients about the stability and reliability of your services. Match or even exceed their expectations from the giants. Highlight your successes, approach to client care, and innovative strategies. This strategic approach will help you navigate the current market and gain market share.

Source: Linkedin

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A wealth management professional presenting growth opportunities to a group of clients amidst the evolving Swiss financial landscape.

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