The situation is serious. Seven Arab countries producing oil have ceased their sales to the US. They demand the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from specific regions in the Middle East. They intend to cut oil production by 25% and raise its price by a staggering 70%! It could lead to a Oil Crisis Déjà Vu.
Western countries are currently responding by enforcing driving bans and speed limits to conserve oil. Additionally, there’s a prohibition on filling petrol canisters to prevent shortages.
Hmmmm – you might ask about the emphasis on petrol canister bans. After all, who still uses them these days? This news takes us back to an event from the past, specifically on October 28, 1973 – the grand oil crisis.
It’s disconcerting that, even after exactly 50 years, some global leaders seem to prioritise conflict over peace talks. How wonderful it would be if those in authority aspired to foster a happier and more harmonious world instead of setting small fires until it leads to an ‘explosion’.
Source: LinkedIn